
Factors to Consider When Buying Candy for Your Shop

A candy shop is a business that can remain lucrative the entire year, especially around holidays such as Valentine’s Day, Easter, Halloween and Christmas. As you purchase the resources needed for the store, you will need to select the candy itself carefully. Ordering the wrong items can result in financial issues that can harm the business before it starts. Contemplate the following factors before placing orders. 

Health Concerns

Establishments that sell food must consider how their products affect consumers, and your shop is no exception. Allow people with certain health conditions to purchase candy types that accommodate them such as: 

  • Sugar free
  • Gluten free
  • No GMO
  • No artificial coloring
  • Kosher

While you cannot account for every customer’s allergies when you purchase candy, you can warn them about ingredients that could be dangerous. Ensure your products and ingredients are safe and come from reputable businesses. 


Candy tastes best when it is new and fresh, something that can be difficult to guarantee if you purchase it from companies instead of making it yourself. When you make your orders, take into account the shelf-life of every type of candy. For example, softer candy like caramel can last up to three weeks, while hard candy and dark chocolate lasts up to a year. Use refrigerators or freezers to maintain or extend the shelf-life. Work with confectionary display cases manufacturers to get the best equipment around that will keep the candy tasty. 

Target Market 

While most candy shops are considered places for children, there are also plenty that cater to adult enthusiasts. Focus your business on a single target market and purchase the products accordingly. Adults might be interested in gourmet chocolates and exotic sweets that they can personally savor or offer as gifts. Meanwhile, children purchase in bulk quantities and prefer colorful candies with bold flavors and flashy gimmicks. 

Starting your own business has its challenges, including getting the best products to attract the most consumers. Think carefully about multiple factors to ensure you select the right candy. 

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