
Disability, Obstacles, And Possibilities Of Integration

Several investigations show that many of society’s prejudices hide in ignorance about what people with disabilities can do and what their needs are.

To eliminate these prejudices, it is necessary to know the following principles:

  • Adopt a positive mindset when dealing with people with disabilities; that is, see what they have and not what they lack.
  • Try to put yourself in their place, understand, and respect them.
  • Have tolerance.
  • Do not help them without consulting them first. Help “imposed” can hurt and feel like contempt. Ask naturally if they want help and how it can be provided.
  • In no case, pronounce compassionate phrases about your condition or feel sorry for them.
  • Do not address the companion of the person with a disability unless he cannot follow the conversation. This is an attitude of marginalization that can hurt them deeply.

Everything You Need To Know About Motor Disability

This type of disability implies a decrease in total or partial mobility of one or more body members, making it challenging to carry out conventional motor activities though wheelchair accessible vans are now in use for the disabled.

The main consequences that motor disability can generate are several, including uncontrolled movements, coordination difficulties, limited range, reduced strength, and unintelligible speech, difficulty with fine and gross motor skills.


Among the factors that produce motor disability, we can mention infectious (poliomyelitis), viral (Guillain Barré Syndrome), rheumatic (Stroke and rheumatoid arthritis), neurological (arteriovenous malformation in the spinal cord or brain, cerebral palsy, multiple sclerosis, myelomeningocele, head trauma, and spina bifida), muscular (dystrophies) and those related to trauma (amputations, spinal cord injuries and head trauma).


There are different types of classifications:

According to movement deficit:

– Decreased muscle strength.

– Total loss of movement.

According to the number of affected members:

– Monoplegia


– Diplegia

– Paraplegia



The most significant difficulty that a person with this disability faces in achieving independence is the architectural barriers, which prevent or complicate their movement (curbs, steps, narrow doors, poorly designed ramps, broken sidewalks, carpets, bathrooms not adapted, public transport without a ramp, among others). If these obstacles are overcome, those who are part of the said social group could develop more efficiently in all the social, cultural, and educational fields in which they participate.

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