
How To Obtain A Freelance Visa In Dubai?

A freelancer is generally used for a person who is independent and is not necessarily committed to a particular employer long-term. Freelancers around the world can be working from there home and not care about permits or taxes. But because Dubai is such a good and organized City. Even freelance visa Dubai are required to get a permit to conduct such a job and must have proper bookkeeping and have a specific office location.

Freelance Visa Dubai for Sponsored residence

If you are a sponsored residence (A wife or child of a residence) which is meaning that your stay in Dubai is linked to your father or Husband. You are getting a freelance visa Dubai and it is not a bad idea. Once you are finding any gig that is payable you can apply for it and make extra cash while studying or cooking. But first, you are getting a No Objection Letter from your sponsor (Father/Husband).

Freelance Visa Dubai For Working Residence

If you are working in Dubai and your visa is sponsored by a company, you can be applying for the freelance visa Dubai but at the same time, you must get the No Objection Letter from your sponsor. No Objection letter is declaring your sponsor in Dubai and it is fine by you obtaining a license to practice Freelance jobs. It is only required once to issue the permit.

Prepare Before Applying For Freelance Visa In Dubai

  • Resume/CV
  • Passport /Visa Copy
  • Bank Reference Letter
  • Sponsor’s NOC (If you are currently living or working in UAE)
  • Portfolio or Sample of Work (media sector only)
  • Credentials and Certificates (education sector only)

Steps Of Getting A Freelancer Visa In Dubai

If you are working in Tech, Marketing, or Education you are applying for a freelancer visa in Dubai. You are needed for a full detailed list of activities visit go freelance website.

  • First, you are applying through the Freelance website.
  • Next, you can the freelance fees and you can sign the contract.
  • Then, you are applying for an establishment card.
  • Finally, you are applying for Visa.
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