Why Is It Beneficial to Join On-the-job Training Programs?
On-the-Job training is basically a technique wherein the candidates are given the training to perform their jobs in the actual work environment. Joining such training programs enables you to learn the skills that are required to perform in the practical work conditions, and you also get accustomed to the working environment. This training on the job in India is a great way for candidates to prepare themselves for jobs as these training bridges the gap between knowledge acquired and the actual skills required to perform a job.
Work-based learning in simple terms refers to learning that occurs through undertaking real work, whether this work is paid or unpaid. The key benefits for joining such types of programs can be categorized into the following three key areas:
- Learning-rich environments- this leads to the development of technical and soft skills
- Career development- which is particularly in terms of the increased knowledge of available career paths
- Social development through increased levels of job satisfaction, motivation & self-confidence.
Now, let’s get into the details of why you should join on the job training programs.
A strong learning environment
Training on the job in India provides a strong learning environment because these programs offer the real ‘on-the-job’ experience. This makes it easier for candidates to acquire both hard and soft skills.
The acquisition of hard/technical skills sometimes typically requires practical training on expensive equipment. The pace at which technology is changing implies that equipment can quickly get obsolete in a number of key industries. This is often an issue for some education & training institutions that have limited finances to acquire new tools. In contrast, on-the-job training will often be more cost-effective, as it makes use of those tools that are already available in firms.
In addition to this, you will be working directly with clients and colleagues that will help you in the development of effective communication skills. Role-play situations in the classroom are sometimes not as effective as experiencing the day-to-day challenges of the workplace. Exposure to a real workplace environment leads to the development of soft skills such as problem-solving & entrepreneurial skills.
Improves individuals’ career development
On-the-job training or Work-based learning significantly supports career development. Especially for young people such as 12th completed students, in particular, this opportunity to project themselves as experienced professionals & carry out real work tasks is something that cannot be overstated. The benefits are amplified when participants get the opportunity to reflect on their experience & share it with others. It is also worth recognizing that candidates in a learning-rich environment are more likely to be positively disposed towards learning & taking a positive approach towards their future career development. Thus, this improved knowledge of career options in combination with the strong learning environment also increases the potential for the individuals to move for further studies and get a better job position in the industry.
Social/emotional development
The social benefits one receives by joining work-based learning programs should not be overlooked. Increased levels of motivation, self-confidence, and a higher level of job satisfaction are a few of the significant outcomes of these career programs. These work-based learning programs promote the development of competences in the candidates; this further enables them to develop their own identities and grow as professional individuals, and it also increases social inclusion. Not just candidates, but employers also benefit by having the candidates (coming from work-based learning programs) onboard because these candidates have lower staff turnover rates and higher levels of job satisfaction.