
How to Raise Money for Your Church Maintenance Repairs


Most churches are working on a limited budget since they are dependent on the donations brought in each week by parishioners. Having the money, they need to operate and maintain a church building can be particularly challenging when located in a low-income area because the parishioners are also struggling.

So how are churches supposed to raise money for needed repairs when they can’t afford them? There are several things churches can try to raise the money they need for building repairs. Here are a few ideas for churches to raise money.

1. Research the most cost-effective option.

One way to raise funds is to research and choose the most cost-effective option for the needed repairs. Individuals and companies are more likely to donate when they feel their funds aren’t wasted on unneeded things. Going for the more expensive or more elaborate options will decrease the number of people willing to donate.

For example, if you need metal roof repairs, you need to choose a company that can fix it correctly, so you aren’t dealing with new repairs each year. If you are dealing with water damage, you need to clarify that you’ve fixed the source of the problem, so the damage won’t continue after the repairs are made. This may seem like common sense, but too often, people focus on cosmetic fixes and ignore the root of the problem.

2. Pursue donations of service.

If people or businesses cannot donate money to put towards repairs, ask if they can donate time and talents. Getting the repair work donated may be easier than getting the money donated to pay for the repairs. Even if you can find a contractor that will do the repairs at a discounted rate, you’ll be lessening how much money is needed.

3. Sell needed items to other churches.

One way to raise money is by selling needed items to other churches. You can work with a supplier like Cokesbury to get hardcover bibles, early reader bibles, paperback bibles, large print bibles, bible study guides, giant print bibles, study bibles, beginner’s bible, action bible, daily devotions, Christian living guides, and other Christian books to sell to other churches and church groups.

You can market your bibles for sale through social media, newsletters, email marketing, and other forms of marketing that will cost little to nothing. The fundraiser’s expenses will be below, and the potential for sales will be high because the church is targeting an active audience.

4. Host an event.

Host an event that will draw in people from the community, other churches, and surrounding communities and churches. Offer a fun event while spreading God’s word and bringing those closer to their faith and each other. Have the pastor say a few words and share from the new testament.

Having live music is also a great way to attract guests to the event. Let the audience know why the event was planned and the needs of the church. Offer the bibles and Christian books for sale at the event, along with charging admission and asking for donations.

5. Do a change drive.

Start a change drive in the church and the community. Ask people just to donate whatever change they have on them at that moment. This can be done at the end of church services, at community events, or even in local businesses. You can approach businesses to see if they would be willing to put change jars near their registers to collect change. Spare change adds up quickly, and people are more likely to donate their change than dig through their wallets and decide how much they can afford to part with that week.

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