Secrets of successful fishing at any time of the year
There will always be those who will grin at a familiar fisherman when he, waving his arms, exclaims: “Yesterday I caught such a pike! But sometimes amazing things happen on a fishing trip that no longer cause laughter. Focus on reading to know more.
For example, two fishermen came to a place with a good bite. They catch the hour, the second, the third. Igor Petrovich caught only one perch, and Pyotr Vasilich caught a pike, and a couple of dozen perches, and several carps. Fishermen call this phenomenon “being in the right place at the right time,” even if one of the fishermen is sitting ten meters to the right of his companion.
However, none of the anglers can count on luck if they have not carefully prepared for fishing. Do everything that depends on you, and luck will come sooner or later, the main thing is to meet it with dignity.
Features of winter bite
Before you start drilling a hole, you should think about your safety – the permissible thickness of ice that can withstand a person is at least 10 cm.
- blue – strong, reliable ice, you can open a fishing weekend;
- white – half as strong;
- gray, white matte or with a shade of yellow – thin ice, wait for severe frosts.
In addition, at the very beginning of winter, it is better not to walk on a pond covered with snow: under it the water freezes much more slowly, and most likely the ice under it is also unreliable.
And then came a beautiful frosty day. The ice is more durable than ever, and you are ready to devote your favorite hobby to your weekend.
The main element of winter fishing is no, not even a fishing rod. Ice screw! Without it, we will never get to the habitat of fish. Manual auger drills are lightweight and convenient, with their help you can drill a hole up to 1.5 m deep and up to 200 mm in diameter. For each type of fish, experienced fishermen recommend choosing a drill with a certain diameter:
- up to 100 mm – for such medium-sized fish as dace, roach, perch up to 0.7 kg, pike up to 1 kg;
- 130 – 150 mm – for large pike weighing up to 6 kg, pike perch, bream;
- 175 – 200 mm – specially for trophy specimens, for example, bream 2 kg, pike over 8 kg.
- The diameter of 115 – 125 mm is considered universal, as in the Heinola SpeedRun COMPACT 115mm / 1.0m ice screw. If you are counting on medium-sized fish, buying a large auger does not make sense – it is more difficult for them to drill a hole and, moreover, it is quite difficult to carry it.
When preparing, the selection of clothes and shoes is of great importance, because sometimes you have to wait for good luck on winter fishing for several hours, sitting motionless in the cold and wind.
To store bait in winter, you need to use special boxes. Their body is made of frost-resistant material, they have a layer of thermal insulation. You can sit on them – and this is important.
Looking for good luck on summer fishing
Among fans of summer fishing there are two types: adherents of coastal fishing and those who like to throw a line from a boat.
Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages. But we must tell you for sure – having tried to fish from a boat at least once, you no longer want to shoot from the shore. This is because the boat fisherman has endless possibilities.
First, you can choose absolutely any place for fishing, feed the prey anywhere in the reservoir.
Secondly, if you are unlucky in one fishing spot, you can sail to another.
Thirdly, you can use an echo sounder, which is almost a 100% guarantee of a successful bite. This is an electronic device that determines the bottom landscape and the location of the fish.
Agree, wooden or iron boats are very inconvenient. Of course, if you have a large body of water near your house, they may be quite appropriate. And all the same, before winter, the boat must be removed, and by spring it must be put on the water again. Inflatable models are much more convenient. There are two types of such flotation devices.