Injured in a road accident in Pueblo? You need a lawyer!

Car crashes, collisions, accidents, and rear-enders are way too common in Colorado. Immediately after an accident, you may have a hard time comprehending what or who caused the same. If the other driver was at fault, you may ask for compensation, as Colorado is a fault state. Talking to a skilled auto accident lawyer in Pueblo can actually help your case. In this post, we are sharing more on why hiring an accident lawyer is recommended.
You have to take quick action
Like other states, there is a statute of limitations in Colorado too. If you want to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault driver after the accident, you must do so within three years. The same deadline applies for cases, where one is just suing for property damage. For wrongful death lawsuits, the deadline is two years. However, the statute of limitations doesn’t apply to insurance claims. You must inform the insurance companies and file a claim within a reasonable time. It is important to understand that critical evidence and details will vanish soon after the car accident. You need an attorney, so that they can investigate the accident soon after.
If you had a share of fault
Colorado is a modified comparative negligence state. If you had a share in fault, your eventual settlement will be lowered by your share of fault in percentage. However, in case you were equal to, or more than, 50% at fault, you cannot recover anything at all. Insurance company of the other driver will try to use your fault against you. Keep in mind that insurance companies are not on your side.
Dealing with the insurance company
Insurance companies always do their best to reduce their financial liability. The claims adjuster will try to get a statement from you, and if you use the wrong words, eventual settlement offer will be lower than expected. Having an accident lawyer is the best way to deal with insurance companies. Lawyers can see through bad faith insurance tactics, and they can negotiate better. If needed, your attorney will even take the matter to court. Hiring an accident lawyer is also about getting their expertise on your side.
You don’t have to pay a fortune to seek legal representation after a car accident. Top accident lawyers in Pueblo often work on a contingency basis, so they only ask for a fee, if and only when they win.