Leading the fight against dangerous drugs

Unfortunately, when problems arise with medication, these pills are inevitably recalled to prevent other consumers from being exposed. The biggest issue we encounter is that these recalls never seem to occur until someone other than the pharmaceutical companies involved disclose the fact that many people have already developed severe injuries because of their exposure to these dangerous drugs.
f you look at the settlements taken by GlaxoSmithKline and Takeda pharmaceuticals to a total of 3 billion and 2.4 billion respectively, you will see the extent that large pharma will go to cover up defective, dangerous and in many cases deadly drugs they were selling. Cases such as these are the reason the attorneys at the Dolman Law Group was so passionate about what they do.
Many drugs such as Zantac are found to be defective because of the manufacturing process, their design or lack of sufficient warnings on their labels. Because of the level of suffering caused by pharmaceutical malpractice, the team at Dolman Law Group is actively seeking compensation for our clients due to injuries caused by Zantac.
Defective drugs such as Zantac are far more common than you would think. There have been hundreds of different drugs that have been found to cause moderate to severe injuries in consumers all over the world, many due to mislabeling, manufacturing, and design.
The history of Zantac lawsuits
In 2019 in the Northern District of California, the very first Zantac lawsuit was filed. The plaintiffs claim that Boehringer Ingelheim and Sanofi are at fault for selling, marketing, and manufacturing a product that they knew had been contaminated with a carcinogenic chemical called MDMA. Since this lawsuit was filed, many more plaintiffs have been found around the country.
The basis of the lawsuit claims that its manufacturers knew that Zantac contained higher levels of the chemical in MDMA as early as 1981. The plaintiffs believe that the companies concerned actively hid this knowledge from healthcare providers and consumers.
When a pharmaceutical company fails to act on such knowledge it can be found legally negligent. This negligence is the foundation of the Zantac lawsuits. The Dolman law group leads the way in seeking compensation for patients who have suffered due to Zantac related to injuries.
Winning a Zantac lawsuit?
Before any lawsuit that can be filed, a libelous party must be identified as the cause of the injury that consumers have suffered. In the case of Zantac, this party could be Sanofi.
As all pharmaceutical companies are expected to maintain a duty of care to their consumers. if Sanofi is found to be in breach of this duty of care, they may be considered liable for any suffering and injuries caused by their products. If it goes a step further and they’re found to be legally negligent, due to the fact they could have prevented the problems that arose, and they consciously decided not to.
When the above criteria can be satisfied, then compensation can be sought for any damages caused by the company’s defective medication. Including pain and suffering, disability, loss of earnings, and any medical expenses, wrongful death.